the JavaScript SDK on your page once, ideally right after the opening body tag.
Step 3: Place this code wherever you want the plugin to appear on your page.
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Facebook Login for the Web with the JavaScript SDK
Facebook Login with the Facebook SDK for JavaScript enables people to sign into your webpage with their Facebook credentials.
If for some reason you can't use our JavaScript SDK, you can also implement Facebook Login without it. To implement Facebook Login without the JavaScript SDK, see Manually Building a Login Flow.
Before you begin to implement Facebook Login with the JavaScript SDK, you need a Facebook App ID, which you can create and retrieve in the App Dashboard. You also need somewhere to host HTML files.
Implement Login with the following steps:
Enter Your Redirect URL to take people to your successful-login page.
Check the login status to see if someone's already logged into your app. During this step, you should also check to see if someone has previously logged into your app, but is not currently logged in.
Log people in, either with the login button or with the login dialog, and ask for a set of data permissions.
Log people out to allow them to exit from your app.
There is a full code example at the end of this topic.
1. Enter Your Redirect URL
In the App Dashboard, choose your app and go to Products > Facebook Login > Settings. Under the Client OAuth Settings, enter your redirect URL in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field for successful authorization.
2. Check Login Status
The first step when loading your webpage is figuring out if a person is already logged into your app with Facebook Login. You start that process with a call to FB.getLoginStatus. That function will trigger a call to Facebook to get the login status and call your callback function with the results.
Taken from the sample code below, here's some of the code that's run during page load to check a person's login status:
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
The response object that is provided to your callback contains a number of fields:
status: 'connected',
authResponse: {
accessToken: '...',
status specifies the login status of the person using the app. The status can be one of the following:
connected - The person is logged into Facebook, and has logged into your app.
not_authorized - The person is logged into Facebook, but has not logged into your app.
unknown - The person is not logged into Facebook, so you don't know if they've logged into your app. Or FB.logout() was called before, and therefore, it cannot connect to Facebook.
authResponse is included if the status is connected and is made up of the following:
accessToken - Contains an access token for the person using the app.
expiresIn - Indicates the UNIX time when the token expires and needs to be renewed.
reauthorize_required_in - The amount of time before the login expires and reauthorization is required, in seconds.
signedRequest - A signed parameter that contains information about the person using the app.
userID - The ID of the person using the app.
Once your app knows the login status of the person using it, it can do one of the following:
If the person is logged into Facebook and your app, redirect them to your app's logged in experience.
If the person isn't logged into your app or isn't logged into Facebook, prompt them with the Login dialog with FB.login() or show them the Login Button.
3. Log People In
If people using your app aren't logged into your app or not logged into Facebook, you can use the Login dialog to prompt them to do both. Various versions of the dialog are shown below.
If they aren't logged into Facebook, they'll first be prompted to log in, then move on to logging in to your app. The JavaScript SDK automatically detects this, so you don't need to do anything extra to enable this behavior.
There are two ways to log someone in:
Use the Login Button.
Use FB.login() from the JavaScript SDK.
A. Log People in with the Login Button
Including the Login Button on your page is easy. For information on customizing the Login Button, see Login Button. To get the code for the basic button, enter the values you want in the following configurator and click Get Code.
Plugin Configurator
The pixel width of the plugin
Maximum Rows of Photos
Button Size
Button Text
Show Friends' Faces [?] Enable Logout Button [?] Include name and profile picture when user is signed into Facebook
Get Code
Note that the example at the end of this topic uses the onlogin attribute on the button to set up a JavaScript callback that checks the login status to see if the person logged in successfully:
This is the callback. It calls FB.getLoginStatus() to get the most recent login state. (The statusChangeCallback() function is part of the example that processes the response.)
function checkLoginState() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
B. Log People in with the Login Dialog from the JavaScript SDK
For apps that want to use their own button, you can invoke the Login Dialog with a simple call to FB.login():
// Handle the response object, like in statusChangeCallback() in our demo
// code.
As noted in the reference docs for this function, it results in a pop-up window showing the Login dialog, and therefore should only be invoked as a result of someone clicking an HTML button (so that the pop-up isn't blocked by browsers).
There is an optional scope parameter that can be passed along with the function call that is a comma-separated list of permissions to request from the person using the app. Here's how you would call FB.login() with the same scope as the Login Button we used above. In this case, it would ask for a person's email address and a list of friends who also use the app:
FB.login(function(response) {
// handle the response
}, {scope: 'public_profile,email'});
Handle Login Dialog Response
At this point in the login flow, your app displays the login dialog, which gives people the choice of whether to cancel or to enable the app to access their data.
Whatever choice people make, the browser returns to the app and response data indicating whether they're connected or if they cancelled is sent to your app. When your app uses the JavaScript SDK, it returns an authResponse object to the callback specified when you made the FB.login() call:
This response can be detected and handled within the FB.login call, like this:
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// Logged into your app and Facebook.
} else {
// The person is not logged into this app or we are unable to tell.
4. Log People Out
You can log people out of your app by attaching the JavaScript SDK function FB.logout to a button or a link, as follows:
FB.logout(function(response) {
// Person is now logged out
Note: This function call may also log the person out of Facebook.
Consider the 3 scenarios below:
A person logs into Facebook, then logs into your app. Upon logging out from your app, the person is still logged into Facebook.
A person logs into your app and into Facebook as part of your app's login flow. Upon logging out from your app, the user is also logged out of Facebook.
A person logs into another app and into Facebook as part of the other app's login flow, then logs into your app. Upon logging out from either app, the user is logged out of Facebook.
Additionally, logging out is not the same as revoking login permission (i.e., removing previously granted authentication), which can be performed separately. Because of this your app should be built in such a way that it doesn't automatically force people who have logged out back to the Login dialog.
Full Code Example
This code will load and initialize the JavaScript SDK in your HTML page. Use your app ID where indicated.
Facebook Login JavaScript Example
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dspo dsp ==Aah.Towfiq== *Bangladesh *Radio +FM ==Aah.Towfiq== ===Md.TowfiqHossain== মোঃ তৌফিক হোসাইন (জন্ম ৪,ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৯৯) বাংঙ্গালী কৃতী সন্তান এবং বাংলাদেশ সমাজ সেবক, সামাজিক উন্নয়ন মূলক চিন্তাভাবনা চেতনা অনুরাগী ব্যক্তি । স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের নাগরিক। Aah.Towfiq সম্মানিত শিক্ষক এবং স্থানীয় মসজিদের ইমাম আব্দুল করিম এবং ফাতেমা বেগমের এর জ্যেষ্ঠ পুত্র। . আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক #https://www.Facebook. Com/Aah.Towfiq KMd.TowfiqHossain.(born 4 February 1999) He is a Bangladesh Luminary. ,(Medical Student) and social worker of Bangladesh, People are thinking. Think about the development of society and social development.Think of people in the society as well. The people of the society. His father an honorable teacher of independent Bangladesh. the eldest son of Abdul Karim and Mother Fatema Begum. Al-Arafat Hasan Tawfiq #https: //www.Facebook Com / Aah.Towfiq "STUDENT" Banglalink Company. Working hours Business Development Officer (Bangladesh) ...
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আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক [১] আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক [২] [ সম্পাদনা ] মোঃ তৌফিক হোসাইন (ইংরেজী - Md.TowfiqHossain জন্ম ৪,ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৯৯ ) [৩] বাংঙ্গালী কৃতী সন্তান এবং বাংলাদেশ সমাজ সেবক [৪] , সামাজিক উন্নয়ন মূলক চিন্তাভাবনা চেতনা অনুরাগী ব্যক্তি । স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশের নাগরিক । [৫] সম্মানিত শিক্ষক এবং স্থানীয় মসজিদের ইমাম আব্দুল করিম এবং ফাতেমা বেগম এর জ্যেষ্ঠ পুত্র। আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক [৬] আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক [৭] নাম : আড়াল করুন আল-আরাফাত হাসান তৌফিক ডাক নাম : তৌফিক পরিচিত নাম : মোঃ তৌফিক হোসাইন জন্ম তারিখ : ০৪ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৯৯ জন্ম স্থান : কাপাসিয়া , গাজীপুর , ঢাকা , বাংলাদেশ , এশিয়া অন্য নাম : তানভীর জাতীয়তা : বাংলাদেশ জাতিসত্তা : বাঙ্গালী নাগরিকত্ব : বাংলাদেশ বাংলাদেশী পেশা : ছাত্র পেশা : ছাত্র
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লেখা আহবান...! বইয়ের নাম, প্রচ্ছদ , প্রকাশনা বা আপনার যে কোনো মতামত বা পরামর্শ আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে পারেন। ✉ 01518383566 নাম্বারে। বিশেষ শর্ত : লেখায় ওয়েলফশন (ওয়েল্ফশন) উল্লেখ থাকতে হবে। (❝ওয়েলফশন❞ হলো ❝সত্য অনুসন্ধানী জ্ঞান অনুরাগী কল্যাণকামী দল❞) বিশেষ বিবেচনা: ভালো লেখার ক্ষেত্রে বিশেষ বিবেচনায় অপ্রকাশিত লেখা নেওয়া হবে কিংবা স্থানীয় প্রতিকায় প্রকাশিত লেখা তবে কোথাও প্রকাশ করা হলে লিংক শেয়ার করতে হবে। ১। বিষয় উম্মুক্ত, লেখা অবশ্যই নিজের হতে হবে। ২। লেখা জাতীয় বা আন্তর্জাতিক পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত হতে হবে। প্রকাশিত লিংক লিখার সাথে শেয়ার করতে হবে। ৩। কবিতা, ছড়া,শিশুতোষ ছড়া,গল্প,প্রবন্ধ,দিনলিপি,উড়ো চিঠি ইত্যাদি পাঠাতে পারেন। লেখারসংখ্যা ও শব্দসংখ্যা নিদিষ্ট নেই। ৪। লেখকের ছবি/সীমিত আকারে পরিচিতি/ কবিতা,ছবি আকা,গল্প,কবিতা/ছড়া (আবশ্যক নহে) ৫। ইসলাম দ্বি-পন্থী কোনো লেখা প্রকাশ করা হবে না। (অবশ্যই অগ্রহণযোগ্য বলে বিবেচিত হবে) ∞ উক্ত লেখা পর্যালোচনা করে বই প্রকাশিত হবে। লেখা বিবেচনা করে এক বা একাধিক বই প্রকাশ করা হবে। ✪ ঘোষণা : ভালো লেখার জন্য লেখকগণ কে উপহার প্রদান করা হবে। শ্...